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Google maps says the drive home from Ocala should take about 4 hours. It's 268 miles. We haven't been able to find a place to store our new RV in the area so we're going to "camp" in Markham Park (about 20 minutes from our house) for 2 nights before we head for the Keys on Friday. We'll leave it down there until we can find local storage.
We went to see the boat this morning and it is perfect. So now we have a new RV and a new boat! What a week. We were so unhappy when our current boat died. We've had it for 12 years and really loved it. But this new boat has us very excited. It's a 23' 2000 Hurricane Deck Boat. It's in perfect condition The only bad thing is that tonight we get back to Coral Springs with the motor home tomorrow morning at 8:30 we go back to Ocala to pick up the boat. I forgot to mention that we finally found a storage place for the RV so we won't be spending the night in Markham Park tonight.
I can't believe we got home tonight at 8pm after a 1500 mile trip and are leaving at 8:30am for another 500 or so mile journey!!

To Day 7

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