We spent Thanksgiving weekend at Fort Wilderness and had dinner at Dennis and Wendy's. It was a fantastic day. Dinner was excellent and we spent the day just hanging out. Some rode the horse. We all laughed at the goat that followed the horse everywhere. Later in the day it got chilly so Dennis built a fire. We'll never let Dennis be in charge of the fire again. He's crazy! Angela brought her tent since she can't sleep in the RV (due to her problem). Unfortunately it was really cold so she spent most nights sleeping in her car!! Ha! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention our middle of the night trip to the emergency room with Olivia. Spending the day out in the fresh air with the animals (even though she didn't touch them) on Thanksgiving Day had her wheezing by the time we headed home. We should have headed directly to the hospital but didn't. Instead we went at 2 in the morning. Luckily all it took was a breathing treatment to make her all better so we were back to bed by 4:30.

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