Usually December is our biggest rally. Everyone wants to come and see Santa!! This year didn't disappoint. The weather was a little cloudy and rainy but Santa told me early in the weekend that it might rain before he arrives and it might rain after he leaves, but it doesn't rain on him as he makes the rounds in the park. He was right! Rain or shine we always have a good time.


Click on a picture to see the enlargement click on the first one and scroll through them all.

01 Decorating 02 Decorating 03 Decorating 04 Decorating 05 Decorating
06 Decorating 07 Decorating 08 Soups On 09 Soups On 10 Soups On
11 Soups On 12 Soups On 13 Soups On 14 Soups On 15 Soups On
16 Soups On 17 Soups On 18 Soups On 19 Soups On 20 Soups On
21 Soups On 22 Breakfast 23 Breakfast 24 Breakfast 25 Breakfast
26 Breakfast 27 Breakfast 28 Breakfast 29 Breakfast 30 Breakfast
31 Breakfast 32 Breakfast 33 Breakfast 34 Dinner 35 Dinner
36 Dinner 37 Dinner 38 Dinner 39 Dinner 40 Santa
41 Santa 42 Santa 43 Santa 44 Santa 45 Santa
46 Santa