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We're not driving to far today - only to Lufkin, TX which is only 45 miles. Don and Robbie have been kind enough to offer to give us some quick lessons to help us get acquainted with "RV" care and maintenance.

Our first night was great. Rich and I slept great. We had the windows open. Deb and Zeb had trouble sleeping for awhile because our fan vent kept going off and on but after that was shut off it was fine.


We had an easy drive today - only an hour. that was a good thing since yesterday was so harrowing. We got to Don and Robbie's at around 1pm. What a great day. Once again we didn't have long but thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. Don gave us some pointers on "RVing" and took us to "dump" which was huge!! If you're going to RV camp dumping is very important!! They fed us like royalty and once again sent us home with the leftovers. This is working out great. I think buying the grill was a waste of money!
I'm so annoyed at my camera. The flash won't work. I do have another little one in my purse but now the adapter so that I can download them isn't working!! I'll keep trying.

To Day 3

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