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We drive 323 miles today which should be 5 to 6 hours. We stay in Saint Andrews State Park which is on the Gulf just outside of Panama City, FL.
We left New Orleans about 9am and headed for Florida. We had our first close encounter in a parking lot. We tried to turn into a Subway and got stuck. Richard had to go the wrong way in a one way street to get us out! We drove through miles and miles over more swamps. We wanted to take the scenic drive in Florida on Hwy 98. Unfortunately we got on 98 about and hour and a half early so it destroyed our schedule. Once we got to Pensacola Beach it was all worth it. I had not been there for over 30 years and Rich and Deb had never been there at all. The beach is magnificent. I can't even describe how beautiful. Hopefully later today I'll put up the pictures!
We were trying so hard to get to our site before they closed at 5 (which is also the time it gets dark) but we just couldn't quite make it. We pulled in at 5:30 and had to use a code to get in. Then finding our spot was a challenge but not nearly as great a challenge as me backing into it IN THE DARK!! Whew! It's an incredible place though - by far the best. What a view. We're right on the water and it is amazing. I just wish it was daylight!!

To Day 5

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